From the 13th to the 15th of November our jumping riders participated at the CSN 5* at the Arezzo Equestrian Club.
This time, four of our riders of Fonte Abeti were ready for the show.
Carlotta Chisci and Sawoir di Fonte Abeti keep going forward with their improvement, finishing with great results at the 1.00m and 1.10m classes.
Lodovica Luzzi and Tennessee proved their value together this weekend! Finishing in 1st place ex.aequo at the 1.00m class and 5th at the 1.10m class on their first time together on that level. Both days with clean rounds!
Sveva Lawley and Poupée di Poumpalier ended up 1st at the 1.10m class.
And Lorenzo Lodovini and Looking performed a super show on their first time together at the ring, finishing 2nd at the 1.10m class.
Congratulations to you all! Keep up the good work!